The synthesis and characterization of a series of mixed l,l-/l,2-dithiolene complexes, M [S2C2(CN)2] [SüCNR*]* with z = -1, M = Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt and with 2 = 0, M = Ni, Cu, Au, M [S2C2(CN)2] [S2C N C N ]2' , M = N i, Pd, and N i[S 2C2(CN)2] [S2COC2H5] -are reported. Voltammetric studies in dichloromethane revealed that the mixed complexes could be oxidized in a one electron step, the half-wavepotentials of which were generally in the middle between those for the unmixed complexes. The C-N stretching frequencies observed in the i.r. spectra of the M [S2C2(CN)2] [S2CNR2]2 complexes are reported. the 1,1-and 1,2-dithiolato ligand system s. N ick e l bis-com plexes w ith tw o different 1,2-dithiolato ligands w ere rep o rted [l], and the exchange reactions of th ese and related 1,2-dithiolenes w ere studied with voltam m etric techniques [1,2], *Part-I. Ref. [5]. 7. H. C. Brinkhoff, Ree. Trav. Chim. 90,377 (1971). 8. (a). P. T. Beurskens, J. A . Cras and J, J, Steggerda, Inorg. Chem, 7, 810 (1968); (b), H. C.
IN T R O D U C T IO N T h ere is a growing interest in m etal com p lex es containing tw o different sulfur donor ligands, especially th o se w ithBrinkhoff, Thesis, Nijmegen, 1970. 9. J. G. M. van der Linden,R ec. Trav. Chim. 90,1027 (1971).