In a further investigation of the photooxidation of azomethane it was found t h a t the yields of all products depend on the fractional conversioll in a manner which suggests that some inhibitor is produced. Products from experiments a t lower pressures of azolnethane are obtained in yields appropriate to the higher conversions. Only very slnall changes in yields are observed for relatively large variations in light intensity. T h e implications of these facts t o the mechanism of the photooxidation are discussed.In an earlier i~~vestigation of the photooxidation of azomethane ( I ) it was postulated that formaldehyde should be a major product of the reaction. I t proved impossible to detect this product, however, presumably because of the well-known tendency of the material to polymerize a t temperatures below 100" C (2).Preliminary work, iildicatiilg that formaldehyde was indeed an important product, was done as follows. The mixture of reaction products, unreactecl azomethane, and oxygen was condensed a t -196" C in a small side arm attached to a grease-free reaction system. After the side arm was allowed to warm to room temperature, the vapor phase was removed by pumping for several minutes and the side arm sealed off. The invisible residue in the side arm was dissolved in dilute H2S04 and the chromotropic acid test (3) applied to the resulti~lg solution. Positive identification was achieved, which was not due to hydrolysis of residual azomethane as shown by the absence of a test on the unphotolyzed mixture.A reaction system was constructecl based 011 this technique for the ailalysis of formaldehyde.
E X P E R I M E N T A LThe reaction system consisted of a fused quartz reaction cell (4.8 cin i.d., 10 cm long, -180 cm3 volume), a glass-enclosed, magnetically driven stirrer, a U-tube through which the cell contents were circulatecl, and conilectiilg tubing. Reactants were introduced from storage and manometers through a stainless steel diaphragm valve (Hoke, No. 413) and led to the analytical system through a similar valve. The entire system, including the valves but excluding the U-tube, was housed in a thermostatted air oven. Gradients and fluctuations in the region of the cell were less than 1" C. Other parts of the oven had larger gradients so that temperature differences of as much as 5" C existed between the cell and other units in the oven. The U-tube, which extended through the walls of the oven, could be kept a t oven temperature with heating tape or cooled to any temperature desired.Gases were led from the reaction system through heated tubing to a removable U-tube (Dow Corning Silicone greased joints), and thence to a Hg cutoff leading to LeRoy stills (4) and a grease-free gas burette. 'Manz~script received M a y 8, 1969.