V(IV) is an important reagent in current reprocessing plants since it is used to reduce Pu(IV) to Pu(III), therefore, allowing the efficient separation of V and Pu in multi-stage counter-current solvent extraction contactors. The benefits of V(IV) are that it is a kinetically fast reductant and it is a salt free reagent, since V (IV) is oxidised to V (VI) and so does not add to the aqueous waste volumes. Many kinetic reactions ofV(IV) have been studied in the past and these are used by BNFL to model the behaviour ofV(IV) in process flowsheets. However, some reactions have either not been studied or have been previously studied but without conclusive resolution. Therefore, to expand our understanding of V(IV) in the process and to generate data that underpins process models, we are studying a series of V(IV) reactions, and this paper will summarise the results of our kinetic and mechanistic studies.