conduction type of semiconductors is vitally important in many
fields (e.g., photovoltaics, transistors, and thermoelectrics), but
so far, there is no effective and simple indicator to quickly judge
or predict the conduction type of various semiconductors. In this
work, based on the relationship between the formation energy of charged
defect and the Fermi level, we propose a simple and low-cost strategy
for high-throughput screening the potential n-type or p-type semiconductors
from the material database by using energy positions of band edges
as indicators. As a case study, we validate this strategy in searching
potential n-type thermoelectric materials from copper (Cu)-containing
metal chalcogenides. A new promising thermoelectric material, CuIn5Se8, with potential intrinsic n-type conduction,
is successfully screened from 407 Cu-containing metal chalcogenides
and validated in the subsequent experiments. Upon doping iodine in
CuIn5Se8, a peak thermoelectric figure of merit zT of 0.84 is obtained at 850 K. Beyond thermoelectrics,
the strategy proposed in this study also sheds light on the new material
development with desired conduction types in photovoltaics, transistors,
and other fields.