Recibido en mayo de I 994; aceptado en noviembre de 1994Recognition of the paleoenvironmental significance of biofacies and taphofacies in the fossil record is greatly aided by their study in modern sedimentary environments. Holocene molluscan shell assemblages of Bahia la Cholla, a macrotidal shallow marine environment in the northern Gulf of California, form distinct biofacies and taphofacies whose distribution is controlled by different environmental variables.Biofacies primarily reflect variation in substrate. Distinctive molluscan communities characterize: I) Salt marsh and innermost tidal flats: organic-rich fine sediments, dominated by epifaunal deposit feeders and deep infauna! suspension feeders; 2) Inner, middle and outer tidal flats: fine to coarse sand, dominated by shallow infauna! suspension feeders; 3) Tidal channel and rocky intertidal ::one: hard substrates of shells or rock, dominated by epifaunal algal grazers; 4) Rocky subtidal ;:;one: alternating rock and sand, dominated by attached epifaunal suspension feeders and shallow infauna! suspension feeders.Taphofacies, based on taphonomy of the shallow infauna! bivalve Chione spp., primarily reflect variation in tidal submergence time and current energy. Distinctive suites of taphonomic attributes characterize: I) Outer tidal flats, rocky intertidal ;:;one, and rocky subtidal zone: environments experiencing prolonged or continuous tidal submergence and high tidal current velocities, characterized by high levels of abrasion, bioerosion by bivalves and clionid sponges, and encrustation by bryozoans; 2) Tidal channel: an environment experiencing continuous submergence and the strongest tidal currents, characterized by very high levels of abrasion, bioerosion by algae, and encrustation by serpulid polychaetes; 3) Sall marsh, inner tidal flats and middle tidal flats: environments experiencing relatively short periods of submergence and low tidal current velocities, characterized by low levels of taphonomic alteration.Biofacies and taphofacies provide different and complementary types of information about the sedimentary environments of Bahia la Cholla. In paleoecological studies, a more complete picture of ancient environments can be generated by integrating taphonomic data with taxonomic and ecologic data.Key words: taphonomy, intertidal, biofacies, taphofacies, paleoenvironmental interpretation. 555 Marinas, Val. 20, No. 4, 1994 RESUMEN EI reconocimiento del significado paleoambiental de las facies y biofacies de los registros fósiles se facilita en gran medida al estudiarse en ambientes sedimentarios modernos, Los conjuntos de conchas de moluscos del holoceno de bahía La Cholla, un ambiente marino somero macromareal del norte del golfo de California, forman distintas biofacies y tafofacies, cuya distribución es controlada por diferentes variables ambientales.Las biofacies reflejan principalmente variación en el sustrato. Las diferentes comunidades de moluscos caracterizan: 1) la marisma y las planici...