Major and trace element compositions of Neogene sandstones and mudrocks from the Shahbajpur-1 (SB-1) well, Hatia trough, Bengal basin, Bangladesh were determined to examine their geochemical characteristics and provenance, in relation to Himalayan uplift, sediment dispersal, and correlation of coeval successions in a basinal context. Major and trace element abundances in the SB-1 succession vary vertically, with SiO 2 content decreasing and Al 2 O 3 increasing from the older (Surma and Tipam Groups) to younger (Dupi Tila Group) sediments. Marked geochemical fractionation between sandstones and mudrocks reflects advanced hydrodynamic sorting, and relative enrichment of several elements (e.g., TiO 2 , Zr, Ce, Th, Cr) suggests sporadic heavy mineral concentration in some sandstones. Major and trace element provenance discriminants indicate a uniform felsic source (Himalayan detritus and recycled sediments) for the entire succession. Values for the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) record moderate weathering in the source, and non-steady state conditions produced by Himalayan uplift. Comparison between the Hatia trough samples and coeval Sylhet trough (P2) sediments shows that the more distal SB-1 succession is compositionally more uniform. Strong similarity in geochemical composition between SB-1 and P2 support the hypothesis that the Hatia trough is an extension of P2, fed by the same dispersal system. Key words: Geochemistry, provenance, weathering, sorting, Bengal basin, Bangladesh. mvivsk: GB M ‡elYvq kvnevRcy i-1 (SB-1), nvwZqv Uª vd, e½xq †ewmb, evsjv ‡`k Gi wbIwRb †e ‡jcv_i I K`© g wkjvi cÖ avb I m¦ í cwigv ‡bi †Uª m Dcv`v ‡bi fivmvqwbK ˆewkó¨ Ges Zv ‡`i Drm m¤ú ‡K© aviYv cÖvb Kiv nq Ges Gi m ‡½ wngvj ‡qi ea© bkxjZv, cj ‡ji web¨vm Ges †ewm ‡bi mgmvgwqK wkjv¯- ‡ii m¤úK© wbY© q Kiv n ‡q ‡Q| SB-1 wkjv¯- ‡ii cÖ avb I m¦ í cwigv ‡bi Dcv`vb Gi ch© vßZv Dj− w¤Kfv ‡e wfboe Zvi mv ‡_ SiO 2 Gi cwigvY n« vm Ges Al 2 O 3 e" w×i cÖ eYZv cÖ vPxbZg wkjv¯-i (my igv Ges wUcvg †kª Yx) †_ ‡K bexbZg wkjv¯- ‡i (Wy wc wUjv †kª Yx) †`Lv hvq| †e ‡jcv_i I K`© g wkjvi f-ivmvqwbK web¨¯-Zvq cÖ wZdwjZ nq †h, Dboe ZZi nvB ‡Wª vWvBbvwgK †kª Yx web¨¯-Zv Ges wewfboe Dcv`v ‡bi (TiO 2 , Zr, Ce, Th, Cr) e" w×i cÖ eYZv hv †`Lvq †h, †e ‡jcv_ ‡ii g ‡a¨ wew ¶ßfv ‡e fvix gvwY ‡Ki AvwaK¨| †gRi Ges †Uª m Dcv`vb †`Lvq †h, mg¯-wkjv¯- ‡ii Drm †djwmK (wngvj ‡qi wkjv Ges cỸ© AveZ© b cjj)| †KwgK¨vj AjUv ‡ik ‡bi Bb ‡W· (CIA) Gi cwigvY cÖ gvY K ‡i ga¨g AvenweKvi Mā' Zv Ges Amg my w¯' Z Ae¯' v hvnv wngvj ‡qi Dש ea© bkxjZvi Øviv cwiPvwjZ| Zz jbvgjKfv ‡e nvwZqv Uª v ‡di cjj wm ‡jU Uª vd (P 2 ) Gi cj ‡ji †_ ‡K MVbMZfv ‡e AwaK mgmZ¡ | SB-1 Ges P 2 Gi f-ivmvqwbK MVb cÖ gvY K ‡i †h, nvwZqv Uª vd P 2 Gi ewa© Z Ask hv GKB ai ‡bi cj ‡ji web¨vm Øviv MwVZ|