The introduction of a network form of participants' interaction in the educational process, which gives a number of advantages in the implementation of educational programs, received a lively positive response from both universities and students. The possibility of academic mobility, which was (until recent times) an integral part of the network type of the educational process, allowed to increase the level of theoretical and practical training of students studying a foreign language. It contributed to the language immersion, which is necessary for the formation of communicative and socio-cultural competence in the learning process. The introduction of Coronavirus restrictions and, as a result, the closure of borders led to the impossibility of this component implementing. The study aims to develop a remote form of network interaction that contributes to the formation of necessary competencies among students studying a foreign language during a pandemic. The methods of pedagogical observation, experimental training, generalization and pedagogical modeling, as well as theoretical analysis of scientific achievements in the field of implementation of the traditional network form of education were used in the work. The fundamental principles of the remote organization of the educational process in a network form are highlighted; a model of the distance course “Academic Writing” (which is a component of the master’s program “Theory of Translation and Intercultural Communication”), is developed; the format of remote network interaction in the framework of international cooperation with the British training center IBC Coaching in a pandemic is tested, the possibilities of using the developed model for teaching individual modules of other disciplines are considered (at the master’s level and at the bachelor’s level as well).