Mindful parenting skills become a basic skills that must be possessed by mother when interacting with their children. Mindful parenting skills can help mothers for nurturing their children with more calmly and patiently, reduce of parenting stress and creating more positive relationship for mother and children (Duncan, Coatsworth & Greenberg, 2009; Bögels, Hellemans van Deursen, Römer, & van der Meulen, 2014). The aim of this study was to develop a reflective learning program to improve mindful parenting skills. Reflective learning was developed based on the results of a preliminary study that showed low of mother's mindful parenting skills. Based on the result of interviewed with mother who received Family Of Hope Program in Desa Wanajaya, data was obtained that in their parental practice, mothers lacked good communication with their children, were still over-reactive when children made mistakes, and not infrequently mothers still carried out physical and verbal violence to their children. By doing the development of reflective learning, it is expected that mindful parenting skills can be improved which will ultimately have an impact on the creation of a more positive parenting process and better interaction between mother and child.