Fas (APO-1/CD95) and its ligand have been identified as important signal-mediators of apoptosis (1). The structural organization of Fas (APO-1/CD95) indicates that it is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, which also includes the p75 nerve growth factor receptor (2), the T-cellactivation marker CD27 (3), the Hodgkin-lymphoma-associated antigen CD30 (4), the human B cell antigen CD40 (5), and T cell antigen OX40 (6). Genetic mutations of both Fas and its ligand have been associated with lymphoproliferative and autoimmune disorders in mice (7,8). Furthermore, alterations of Fas expression level have been implicated in the induction of apoptosis in T-cells infected with human immunodeficiency virus (9). Several Fas-interacting signal transducing molecules, have been identified using yeast two-hybrid and biochemical approaches, including Fas-associated phosphatase-1 (FAP-1) 1 (10), FADD/MORT1/CAP-1/CAP-2 (11-13), and RIP (14). All but FAP-1 associate with the functional cell death domain of Fas and overexpression of FADD/MORT1, or RIP induces apoptosis in cells transfected with these proteins. In contrast, FAP-1 is the only protein that associates with a negative regulatory domain (C-terminal 15 amino acids) (15) of Fas and that inhibits Fas-induced apoptosis.FAP-1 (PTPN13) has several alternatively-spliced forms that are identical to PTP-BAS/hPTP1E/PTPL1 (16 -18), and contains a membrane-binding region similar to those found in the cytoskeleton-associated proteins, ezrin (19), radixin (20), moesin (21), neurofibromatosis type II gene product (NFII) (22), and protein 4.1 (23), as well as in the PTPases PTPH1 (24), PTP-MEG (25), and PTPD1 (26). FAP-1 intriguingly contains six PDZ (GLGF/DHR) domains that are thought to mediate intra-and inter-molecular interactions among protein. The third PDZ repeat of FAP-1 was first identified as a domain showing the specific interaction with the C terminus of Fas receptor (10). In the present study, we first demonstrated that the C-terminal three amino acids (SLV) of human Fas were necessary and sufficient for its interaction with the third PDZ domain of FAP-1. More important, we were able to induce Fas-mediated apoptosis in a colon cancer cell line by the direct cytoplasmic microinjection of this tripeptide (Ac-SLV).
MATERIALS AND METHODSConstructions of Libraries and Screenings-To create numerous mutations in a restricted DNA sequence, PCR mutagenesis with degenerate oligonucleotides was employed according to a protocol described elsewhere (27). Based on the homology between human and rat, two palindromic sequences were designed for construction of a semi-random library. The two primers used were 5Ј-CGGAATTCNNNNNNNNNAA-CAGCNNNNNNNNNAATGAANNNCAAAGTCTGNNNTGAGGATC-CTCA-3Ј and 5Ј-CGGAATTCGACTCAGAANNNNNNAACTTCAGA-NNNNNNATCNNNNNNNNNGTCTGAGGATCCTCA-3Ј. Briefly, the two primers (200 pmol each), purified by high pressure liquid chromatography, were annealed at 70°C for 5 min and cooled at 23°C for 60 min. A Klenow fragment (5 units) was used for filling in with a ...