ABSTRACT. The southern foothills of the Fuegian Andes are bounded by the Beagle Channel (BC), a conspicuous E-W longitudinal basin, controlled by a large transcurrent fault system, which extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The northern shore of the Beagle Channel's central segment is characterized by several E-W oriented valleys, parallel to the main basin, which are interspersed with a series of oblique NW trending lineaments that extend across the mountain belt. A geoelectrical survey was carried out in order to investigate the shallow architecture of such sets of linear morphologies. The principal E-W lineament system was characterized by conspicuous sub-vertical resistivity contrasts, interpreted as fractured zones associated with fault strands of the main strike-slip Beagle Channel system, whereas the oblique NW-SE trending set of lineaments revealed slightly different resistivity patterns, with vertical displacements and less abrupt contrasts. These resistivity patterns, in combination with the widespread occurrence of normal faulting in the area, allowed to infer an extensional control over the oblique depressions. These morphological features were related to oblique transverse faults that segment two sub parallel E-W fault systems. The oblique faults were probably developed along inherited structural anisotropies and can be extended well beyond the BC shoreline to the NW. Both geophysical and field evidence suggest a post-glacial deformation along the area.
RESUMEN. Arquitectura somera de lineamientos en los Andes Fueguinos basada en estudios de Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica (TER). Evidencias de fallamiento transverso extensional en el área central del canal deBeagle. La cordillera Fueguina está limitada al sur por el canal de Beagle, una gran fosa longitudinal que se extiende desde el océano Atlántico al este, hasta el Pacífico al oeste y está desarrollada sobre un sistema de fallamiento regional transcurrente. La costa norte del segmento central del Canal está caracterizada por la intersección de valles paralelos a la fosa principal con una serie de lineamientos morfológicos oblicuos de orientación NW-SE, los cuales se extienden a través del sistema montañoso. Se llevó a cabo un relevamiento de Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica con el objetivo de investigar la arquitectura somera de los diferentes juegos de lineamientos observados en el sector y dilucidar el control estructural que determina su geometría. Los resultados muestran que el sistema de lineamientos E-W está caracterizado por un patrón de resistividades con marcados contrastes de disposición subvertical interpretadas como