A bstract. Some previous studies of photorespiration and glycolate oxidation were reexamined and correlated by infra-red CO, analysis. Data about rate of photosynthesis and oxygen sensitivity indicated that complete inhibition of photosynthesis with 3. (3,4-dichlorophenyl) -1,1 dimethyl urea (DCMU) allowed dark respiration to continue in the light. Photorespiration was also inhibited. The oxygen senisitivity of glycolate-stimulated CO2 production was found to be compatible with the proposal that glycolate is a substrate of photorespiration. B-oth 'in vivo' and 'in vitro' studies of the alga Nitella flexilis have revealed a pathway of glycolate oxidation similar to that of higher plants. DCMU inhibition of photosynthesis by Nitella gave results similar to those for the monocotyledons tested. Under very low light intensity, carbon dioxide compensation in corn was measurable but was not sensitive to high oxygen concentration. It appears that the lack of photorespiration in this plant is not the end result of efficient internal recycling of CO, to photosynthesis.Photorespiration has been described as a CO, producing process that operates during photosynthesis in some leaves and algae. The newer evidence supporting this concept is based on the response of photorespiration to 0. concentration. It has been shown that dark respiration in leaves is saturated by about 2 % 02 whereas photorespiration has a much higher 0., requirement (7,25). 'Much recent literature also implicates glycolic acid as a substrate of photorespiration. The correlation which we have studied is the O., requirement for glycolate-stimulated CO, production. These results led to another studv of whether corn leaves produce CO., by photorespiration during photosynthesis.A recent paper by El-Sharkawy et al. (6) has provided data on CO. production in the light and dark when C0, source-sink relationships were changed by inhibiting photosynthesis with DCM\IU.Under these conditions the rates in light and dark were identical and these data were used as evidence for a common source of CO, evolved both during photosynthesis and in the dark. We re-examined this work and extended it with information about the effect of 02 tension on rates of CO., production.As a check against the possibility that the gas exchange results from the DCMU-treated monocotyledons were an artifact of stomatal behavior, the gas exchange of a DCMU-treated alga, Nitella flexilis, was studied. This alga has been shown to have a photorespiratory mechanism similar to that of some land plants (3). Results obtained by inhibiting photosynthesis by non-chemical means have