A well-circumscribed, expansile, and nonencapsulated cardiac rhabdomyoma composed of tightly arranged, large, variably sized, ovoid to irregular, swollen myocytes with deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm and varying degrees of cytoplasmic vacuolation was detected in an eight-to ninemonth-old female beagle dog in a routine toxicology study. By histochemistry, the neoplasm was periodic acid-Schiff positive. By immunohistochemistry (IHC), neoplastic cells were positive for desmin and myoglobin and negative for vimentin and smooth muscle actin. Spontaneous lesions in the heart of young beagle dogs are rare in drug safety studies. On the basis of histopathology, histochemistry, and IHC findings, a diagnosis of cardiac rhabdomyoma was made. Cardiac rhabdomyoma is one of the most frequently occuring primary tumors of the heart and, by far, the most common neoplasm in human infants and children. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the canine cardiac rhabdomyoma.Keywords: musculoskeletal system; cardiovascular system; tumors.Rhabdomyomas are benign solitary or multiple neoplasms that originate from striated muscles (Meuten 2002). Rhabdomyomas can occur in the myocardium, skeletal muscles of the larynx, and in the head region in both humans and animals (Meuten 2002; Radi 2006). In humans, cardiac rhabdomyomas are one of the most frequently occuring primary tumors of the heart and, by far, the most common in infants and children (Fletcher 2000). The tumor occurs mostly in the left or right ventricle with lesser involvement of the atria. The clinical profile depends on the tumor size and can vary from cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, and sudden death to perinatal death (Fletcher 2000). In laboratory animals, cardiac rhabdomyoma rarely occurs in guinea pigs (Hoch-Ligeti et al. 1986). A mouse model of cardiac rhabdomyoma has been generated and is associated with loss of the TSC-1 gene in ventricular myocytes. These mice had a median survival of six months and developed dilated cardiomyopathy (Meikle et al. 2005). In domestic animals, cardiac rhabdomyoma has been reported most frequently in swine and rarely in cattle, sheep, and deer (Bradley et al. 1980;Kolly et al. 2004;Meuten 2002;Tanimoto and Ohtsuki 1995). These tumors are usually seen at slaughter and are deemed to be incidental lesions (Meuten 2002). A breed predisposition of cardiac rhabdomyoma was reported in red wattle and red wattle crossbred swine (McEwen 1994).In dogs, hemangiosarcoma is the most common cardiac tumor (Ware and Hopper 1999). Most cardiac tumors usually have a malignant behavior, and they most often (excluding lymphoma) occur in dogs between the ages of seven and fifteen years (Ware and Hopper 1999). A case of intra-atrial rhabdomyoma causing chylopericardium and right-sided congestive heart failure was reported in a six-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier that had a four-week history of progressive lethargy, ascites, and exercise intolerance (Mansfield et al. 2000). Here we report a spontaneous case of cardiac...