Cornford AS, Barkan AL, Hinko A, Horowitz JF. Suppression in growth hormone during overeating ameliorates the increase in insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease risk. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 303: E1264 -E1272, 2012. First published September 25, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00320.2012.-Previously, we reported that overeating for only a few days markedly suppressed the secretion of growth hormone (GH). The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of this reduction in GH concentration on key metabolic adaptations that occur during 2 wk of overeating. Nine nonobese, healthy adults were admitted to the hospital for 2 wk, during which time they ate ϳ4,000 kcal/day (70 kcal·kg fat-free mass Ϫ1 ·day Ϫ1 ; 50% carbohydrate, 35% fat, and 15% protein), and their plasma GH concentration was allowed to decline naturally (control). An additional eight subjects underwent the same overeating intervention and received exogenous GH treatment (GHT) administered in four daily injections to mimic physiological GH secretion throughout the 2-wk overeating period. We measured plasma insulin and glucose concentrations in the fasting and postprandial state as well as fasting lipolytic rate, proteolytic rate, and fractional synthetic rate (FSR) using stable-isotope tracer methods. GHT prevented the fall in plasma GH concentration, maintaining plasma GH concentration at baseline levels (1.2 Ϯ 0.2 ng/ml), which increased fasting and postprandial assessments of insulin resistance (P Ͻ 0.05) and increased fasting lipidemia (all P Ͻ 0.05 vs. control). In addition, preventing the suppression in GH with overeating also blunted the increase in systemic proteolysis (P Ͻ 0.05 GHT vs. control). However, GHT did not alter lipolysis or FSR in response to overeating. In conclusion, our main findings suggest that the suppression in GH secretion that naturally occurs during the early stages of overeating may help attenuate the insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia that typically accompany overeating. obesity; lipolysis; proteolysis; muscle protein fractional synthetic rate; overfeeding WEIGHT GAIN CAN ONLY OCCUR when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure (i.e., positive energy balance), and even a relatively modest positive energy balance can result in an individual becoming overweight and obese over time. Although the metabolic complications of obesity have been well described (16,18,31), far less is known about the dynamic metabolic adaptations that occur in response to overeating. Importantly, we reported previously that even just a few days of overeating profoundly suppressed plasma growth hormone (GH) concentration in nonobese adults (7). However, the metabolic consequences of this acute suppression in plasma GH concentration with overeating are not known.GH has been identified as an important regulator of several metabolic processes. For example, we (39) and others (4,9) found that the normal pulsatile pattern of GH secretion augments lipolytic rate. Additionally, GH has been reported to impair insulin sensitivity through...