A B S T R A C T In fatigue design of welded joints, the local approach based on the notch stress intensity factors (NSIFs) assumes that the weld toe profile is a sharp V-notch having a tip radius equal to zero, while the root side is a pre-crack in the structure. The peak stress method (PSM) is an engineering, FE-oriented application of the NSIF approach to fatigue design of welded joints, which takes advantage of the elastic peak stresses from FE analyses carried out by using a given mesh pattern, where the element type is kept constant and the average element size can be chosen arbitrarily within a given range. The meshes required for the PSM application are rather coarse if compared with those necessary to evaluate the NSIFs from the local stress distributions. In this paper, the PSM is extended for the first time to butt-welded joints in steel as well as in aluminium alloys, by comparing a number of experimental data taken from the literature with the design scatter bands previously calibrated on results relevant only to fillet-welded joints. A major problem in the case of butt-welded joints is to define the weld bead geometry with reasonable accuracy. Only in few cases such geometrical data were available, and this fact made the application of the local approaches more difficult. Provided the local geometry is defined, the PSM can be easily applied: a properly defined design stress, that is, the equivalent peak stress, is shown (i) to single out the crack initiation point in cases where competition between root and toe failure exists and (ii) to correlate with good approximation all analysed experimental data.Keywords butt-welded joints; fatigue design; local approaches; peak stress method (PSM); strain energy density (SED).
N O M E N C L A T U R E2a = length of the lack of penetration c w = parameter which accounts the influence of the nominal load ratio d = mean size of a finite element e 1 , e 2 = parameters for the determination of the strain energy density (SED) f w1 , f w2 = weight parameters of the peak stresses h = bead height k = inverse slope of the design scatter band r,θ = polar coordinates t = thickness of the welded plate w toe = bead width BC = Boundary conditions E = elastic modulus EBM = Electron beam welding FE = Finite element FEM = Finite element method K 1 , K 2 = mode I and II notch stress intensity factors (NSIFs) K Ã FE = normalised K 1 in the application of the peak stress method K ÃÃ FE = normalised K 2 in the application of the peak stress method