In the condition of war on the territory of our country, the intensity of the development of events that surround a person has changed significantly. In this regard, the need to apply simple and quick methods of assessing the functional state has increased. This especially applies to operators of unmanned aircraft systems, whose professional activity is associated with a large informational and physical load. The purpose of study was to study the possibilities of the stabilometry methods in assessing functional changes in the body of operators associated with the loss of their functional reserves. This affects the psychophysiological age, fatigue and deviations in operators of unmanned aircraft systems, which have a stress-associated diseases. The presence of unidirectionality of psychophysiological processes that occur with age changed, during the development of fatigue and diseases, caused by the influence of a stress factor is shown. A linear multiple regression model was built, which can be used to determine the level and rate of aging of operators, and a nonlinear multiple regression model that can estimate the degree of fatigue that develops during the year in the operator while performing official duties. With help of the method of discriminant analysis, special solving rules have been developed, according to which it is possible to determine whether the operator belongs to a group of healthy persons or those suffering from stress-associated diseases.