The issue of considering the dynamic interaction of the railway rolling stock and the structures of bridge structures is especially important when solving the tasks of increasing the speeds of trains on the existing railway lines, as well as when prescribing high-speed mode on designed bridges. Rational accounting of the parameters of dynamic interaction allows you to perform complete and reliable calculations of elements of bridge structures, which in turn has a beneficial effect on predicting the period and nature of the operation of structures and, because of the economic component of projects. The modern solution to the problem of dynamic interaction is reduced to determining the degree of influence of each component of the unified mechanical system of the bridge-travel. Objective: the purpose of this study is to determine the parameters of dynamic interaction through experimental measurements of stresses, accelerations, and displacements of structures of the bridge structure located on the existing railway line with an organized high-speed traffic movement. Methods: experimental measurement using high-frequency voltage sensors, accelerations and movements with subsequent statistical processing and analysis of the results. Results: graphs and tables displaying a change in the measured values of relative deformations, accelerations, and movements over time. Practical importance: The practical significance of this study is to assess the degree of influence of the components of the dynamic interaction of high-speed rolling composition and the bridge structure, which allows you to form a holistic picture of the nature of the process of dynamic interaction.