Objective Describe surgical decision making and outcomes in a series of patients with persistent VPI after pharyngeal flap placement that were all treated with revision palatoplasty. Design Retrospective, case series. Participants Five patients with nonsyndromic cleft palate and persistent hypernasality following a pharyngeal flap. On MRI, 3 patients presented with an incohesive levator veli palatini muscle, and 4 patients had a pharyngeal flap that was below the palatal plane. Interventions One patient underwent straight-line intravelar veloplasty (IVVP), 2 patients underwent pharyngeal flap take-down and IVVP, and 2 patients underwent pharyngeal flap take-down and palate lengthening with buccal myomucosal flaps. Main Outcome Measure Pre- and postoperative resonance. Results Four of five patients (80%) achieved normal resonance 12 months postoperation. Conclusions Revision palatoplasty may be an effective approach for treating patients with persistent hypernasality following a pharyngeal flap. MRI may aid in surgical selection based on patient-specific anatomical findings.