High-quality provision of information: both to key figures and at the social level, is the most important factor in both success in the present and management of the future. Accordingly, an essential issue of public security is the state and dynamics of the information sphere [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. So the realization of a holistic information policy does not contradict, but, on the contrary, relies on the competition of approaches, opinions and information resources. But this is not enough. In particular, the information plane of sovereignty, the development of information infrastructure, the availability of modern information and telecommunication-cybernetic means, is raising the level of media culture. Moreover, the emphasis on hybrid wars and special operations tends to turn the information sphere, the public climate and social well-being into key issues of global, regional and national security. For example, propaganda and agitation allows you to influence the perception, and sometimes even form the reference points for the crystallization of the worldview. The high efficiency of information weapons in processing a specific person and the population as a whole highlights the information sphere as an important component of hybrid pressure. And the digitalization of life opens up depths of alienation and exploitation based on manipulation and inequality.Mutual overlap, intersection and resonation of the characteristics of postglobality and information content enhances the role of the text as representing the approaches and views that are characteristic of a certain environment in a different social landscape. At the same time, the text becomes a means of personal choice of an interesting / comfortable opinion. An important factor in the development of the text is its decoding and interpretation. Often, revealing the implicit meanings of the text turns out to be a direction for obtaining not only aesthetic pleasure, but also new levels of message. Accordingly, on the one hand, the role of the mediator as an interpreter and commentator of the text increases. On the other hand, satisfaction of one's need to strengthen the grounds for explaining events and processes causes a desire to figure out for oneself what the potential of a critically reflective approach has. Thus, the culture of media intertext acts as a factor of personal and social transformations. In turn, the rise in the importance of information technology and strategic communications for society naturally occurs when transformations are carried out at the paradigm level. Especially when they are superimposed on the growing pressure of virtual worlds (sometimes very far from reality) to real one, which, with the help of dissecting the information picture of the world, is able provoke a distortion of social ideology and psychology [8][9][10][11][12][13].In the cultural-civilizational world as a whole, the objective grounds for increasing multilevel diversity are radically expanding. The formula "creative