Three experiments investigated the properties of temporal and spatial integration for electrocutaneous stimulation at absolute threshold level. The duration of pulses delivered to the skin were varied from .1 to 100 msec, and the spatial distribution of stimulation was varied by controlling separation, width, and length of electrodes. For temporal integration, the threshold currents were fitted by the equation (1-1 0 ) , t n = c, indicating that partial integration took place below the critical duration of 1 msec and that the integration index remained constant (n = .43) independent of the spatial distribution of stimulation. For spatial integration, the separation of electrodes was found to be the most effective determiner of threshold current. Furthermore, when the equation (1-1 0 ) • Am = k was fitted to the spatial integration data, the value m resulted in 1.33 with a critical separation of 8 rom, which was constant for any pulse of temporal integration, therefore, it was necessary to confirm the previous findings by using different types of electrodes.In the studies of vision, touch, and hearing, the equationThe present study deals with temporal and spatial integration for electrocutaneous stimulation at absolute threshold level. Babkoff, Brandeis, and Bergman (1975), Hahn (1958), Rollman (1969, 1975), and Uttal (1958 showed how threshold varies with pulse duration and obtained the psychophysical .hyperbolic function: