This study applies the Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Sequencing Method to discuss the key success factors of the organization of international activities held jointly by academic institutions, foreign government agencies, and industries in order to enhance the exchanges among industry, government, and academia, and increase the visibility of academic institutions. The S/N (Signal to Noise) ratio of the Taguchi Method can appropriately determine the objective functions of quality characteristics, and the Grey Relational Sequencing method can measure the relevance of the various factors to further identify the degree of similarity or diff erence in the development trends of the impact factors. Therefore, this study adopts the Taguchi-grey relational sequencing method to explore the sequencing of success factors of organizing international activities. The results show that the number of suggestions made by the board chairs of listed companies (including the over-the-counter companies) and the attending AIT (American Institute in Taiwan) off icials and foreign business representatives, which are suggested to improve the discussion topics, are the most important success factors of organizing international activities.