It should be given the opportunity to acquire information about the health of infants for a new type of way of life with the passage of time, of which the internet is a lot of people are required to use the media in the modern world. So, we want to find out the status of kindergarten teachers' internet utilizing and how to utilize the internet health information on field. The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of improvement. We produce this research based on a precedent study about perception and actual condition of health information utilizing. The objects of this study are 180 kindergarten teachers working in Dae-jeon and most of them have experience of searching health information through internet. The collected data calculated frequency and percentage with SPSS 18.0 program. As a result, first, kindergarten teachers think the information of infants' health is relatively important, still they obtain it from the Internet. But they feel a difficulty in finding the proper information because it takes so much time. Second, they utilize the Internet whenever necessary to find health information and they could find it. However, health information obtained from the Internet, have not been unexpectedly useful. Therefore, training about the content of infant's health and utilizing method of internet health information is needed.