The published theoretical models for pressure swing adsorption (PSA) are of either the equilibrium type, i.e., instantaneous equilibrium is assumed between the gas and adsorbed phases, or the diffusion type considering only a monodisperse pore structure (Yang and Doong, 1985; Doong and Yang, 1987). There is reason for doubt that either type of model is applicable to adsorption processes using zeolite sorbent, which has a bidisperse pore structure. Commercial zeolite sorbents contain crystals of the size 1-9 microns that are pelletized with a binder. Sorption is entirely within the crystals, which contain micropores, whereas the binder contains macropores with a negligible sorption capacity. This paper presents a general PSA model for zeolite sorbents. Both micropore and macropore diffusion are considered. The mathematical complexity of the pore diffusion equations for the two types of pores is reduced by assuming parabolic concentration profiles in both crystals and pellets. Thus the two partial differential equations are converted into ordinary differential equations containing only time derivatives, and the burden of integration along the radial distance is completely eliminated. The model is general enough to be applied to bulk, multicomponent separations using any PSA cycle. The specific separation discussed in this work is the bulk separation of a hydrogenmethane mixture using 5A zeolite. The boundary conditions in the model depend on the PSA cycle. A wide variety of PSA cycles has been commercialized (Yang, 1987). Under consideration here is the most widely used five-step cycle in which each adsorber undergoes the following:I. Repressurization with the light product 11. High-pressure feed 111. Cocurrent depressurization IV. Countercurrent blowdown V. Low-pressure purge. The model is formulated for an n-component mixture. TheIdeal gas behavior 0 Negligible pressure drop across the bed assumptions made in the model are:Thermal equilibrium between the gas flow and the solid sorNo radial temperature and concentration gradients in bed Spherical pellets and crystals The dimensionless mass balance equations for the gas flow in the bed are, respectively, for the individual component and for the mixture (Doong, 1986): If molecular diffusion is assumed to be dominant in the binder phase of zeolite, the mass balance equations for the macropores will be similar to those for the monodisperse pore structure in Yang and Doong (1985). The resulting dimensionless equations are: ( 1 Ob) Since the crystals account for all of the adsorbed amount, the P b 910 6 I 621 --p c * &---first overbar on Q denotes the volume-averaged amount adsorbed over the crystal, and the second overbar denotes that averaged over the pellet. The mole fraction on the surface of the pellet Yip is the same as that in the bulk flow, V,, since the film resistance is negligible. is required:The local adsorption rate, s, through which the bulk flowThe heat capacity of the wall is not negligible in the experimental unit. Therefore, an energy balance equation...