The existing issues of climate change and population development have driven to a rising realization of the need to innovate in sustainable agricultural practice, such as intercropping, in parallel, improving the effectiveness of intercropping systems by applying beneficial micro-organisms (rhizobacteria and/or mycorrhizae) is a valuable approach. In this regard, two experiments were conducted to assess the effect of inoculation with beneficial microorganisms: rhizobacteria (B), mycorrhizae, and (M) rhizobacteria-mycorrhizae consortium (B+M) compared to the control (uninoculated plants: C) on Vetch/Oat/Triticale intercropping system.
Growth, physiologicals traits, forage yield and qualities were determined at two harvesting periods (74 and 142 days after seeding: DAS). Overall, the different studied intercrops varied in term of inoculations effect. Mycorrhizal inoculation had a significantly positive effect on SPAD, total nitrogen and leaf to stem ratio for vetch, Oat and Triticale, respectively. Bacteria inoculation promoted leaf area and plant height for Vetch and Oat crops and only plant height for Triticale. The dual bacteria and mycorrhizae inoculum improved significantly the yield dry matter (YDM) by 41.2% ensuring an increase of 2.1 and 1.67 tons/ha at 74 and 142 DAS respectively, compared to control treatment. Further data analysis revealed an improvement of calcium and phosphorus status after mycorrhizae inoculation.
This study highlighted the potential applications of the dual biofertilizers on Vetch/Oat/Triticale intercropping as way to increase forage yield and qualities in semi-arid region.