On the other hand, infrastructure-related enablers are now in place: fully rolledout communication networks (e.g., 3G and 4G) with resulting ubiquitous internet access, and commercially available, economised cloud-based storage and computing infrastructures (Varghese and Buyya, 2018), provide unprecedented means to build the next-generation of context-aware applications and services, based on multi-user, real-time and high-frequency input streams; real-time data handling, processing and analytics; and real-time, location-and context-based reactiveness (Bainomugisha et al., 2013). Indeed, we see a breakthrough of such applications in various application fields, such as mobility and transportation (e.g., Wan et al. (2014)), health (e.g., Solanas et al. (2014); Chang et al. (2017)), tourism (e.g., Meehan et al. (2013), smart cities (e.g., García et al. (2017); Sagl et al. (2015)), smart homes (e.g., Alirezaie et al. (2017)), gaming (e.g., Pokemon Go (Andone et al., 2017), to name but a few.Nevertheless, due to their relative new and evolving supportive technologies, building such applications is yet a laborious job. The client-side application needs to deal with and be built around an additional, dynamically changing concern, namely context in general and location specifically, while server-side handling of context data, especially in large-scale multi-user deployments, needs to deal with streaming data, big data issues, spatial analysis and reactiveness.In this technological context, where context information is highly available, different types of applications leverage and combine sensor data with data regarding social aspects to provide both services and entertainment in unprecedented ways. A type of context-aware, location based application that is gaining popularity worldwide are location-aware games. Location-aware games are games that take place in the real world space, using the location as an important aspect of the game, and often, but not always, require the user to move physically in space (see Chapter 2). Digitally-enabled variants of these games often rely on the capture and analysis of context data produced and processed continuously during the game development, and the user expects the outputs driving the game to be produced in a timely manner. In such location-aware games, stream computing will become a vital feature for multiple reasons. First, it will allow proper management of huge volumes of incoming, varied data that these location-aware games