“…Within both zones there are abundant brachiopods, many of which also occur in the Russian Platform and the Urals, for example: Sowerbina, Waagenoconcha, and Spiriferella. The two zones, however, are clearly separable, because the Anidanthus aagardi Zone completely lacks Jakutoproductus on the one hand and, on the other, contains first appearance of Inoceramus-like bivalves, notably represented by the genus Aphanaia, which locally form conquina beds in hydrogene sulphate limestones (Ganelin, 1997;Ganelin and Biakov, 2006). Ammonoids also became relatively more common, compared with the underlying horizons, with Paragastrioceras josse occurring in the Koargychanian Horizon and Epijuresanites, Neouddenites, Tumaroceras, and Uraloceras in the Khalalinian Horizon.…”