Allylic tin compounds (I) react with singlet oxygen to give allylperoxystannyl compounds (11) by stannylallylation, stannylallyl hydroperoxides (111) by hydroallylation, and 4-stannyl-l,2-dioxolanes (IV) by rearrangement and cycloaddition. For example, 3-trimethylstannylprop-1 -ene (I; R = R' = H; I II 111 IV M = Me,Sn) in CH,CI, at room temperature gives 25% II, 25% 111 and 50% IV; 1 -tributylstannylcyclohex-2-ene (I; R-R' = -CH,CH,CH,-; M = Bu,Sn) in CH,CI, gives 66% II and 33% IV, but in MeOH-benzene, the yield of II is >95%. The dioxolane IV appears to be a primary product of the reaction, and does not result from ring-closure of 11. Under similar conditions, triethylsilylcyclohex-2-ene (I; R-R' = -CH,CH,CH,-;M = Et,Si) in CH,CI, shows only the hydroallylation reaction t o give II. Similar reactions occur with 4-phenyl-l,3,4-triazoline-2,5-dione. For example, 3-trimethylstannylprop-1 -ene in CH,CI, gives 85% V and 15% VII, but in MeOH-benzene, the yield of V is 95%. Under
VIIthe same conditions, triethylsilylcyclohex-2-ene gives 5% V, 70% VI, and 25% of the cycloadduct
VII.These reactions are discussed in terms of the usual mechanistic models for the ene reactions, and for the p-effect of organometallic groups.