Initially created by the information technology industry, the identity management (IdM) telecom operators. Indeed, since telecom operators "own" wireless and wireline access, they also "own" a great deal of information about their subscribers. In this respect, ownership encompasses: 1. The ability to authenticate (and, when necessary, authorize) proper and efficient subscriber access. 2. The actual possession of subscriber data. 3. The established trust of their subscribers.Based on these assets, telecom operators are in a unique position to offer a range of identity-based services-from home networking to straightforward
IntroductionThis paper concentrates on specific technical aspects of the convergence of information and telecommunications technologies with respect to the discipline of identity management (IdM). In short, the overall discipline deals with the lifecycle and correlation of identifiers, representing different personas that correspond to a unique identity, as well as the authentication of such an identity.Initially created by the information technology industry, the IdM concept has been increasingly recognized as a foundation for key new services by