Binary interactions can alter the intrinsic properties of stars (such as: pulsation, mass-loss, photospheric chemistry, dust-formation, circumstellar envelope morphology etc.) and can even play a dominant role in determining its ultimate fate. While past studies have shown that binarity can end the AGB life of a star, recent studies have revealed that in specific cases binarity also pre-maturely terminate the RGB evolution. A characteristic feature of evolved binaries is the presence of a Keplerian circumbinary disc of gas and dust which plays a lead role in the evolution of the systems. In this article, I will review our advances in the research landscape of post-RGB and post-AGB binary stars, focussing on their observational properties, spectral energy distribution, photospheric chemistry, the evolution of their stable circumbinary discs, and the evolutionary connection between the enigmatic post-AGB/post-RGB binaries, and other systems whose primary component is a white dwarf.