“…Thus, CCGT-CCS plants can be deployed in response to a relatively low CO 2 price (Nogueira et al, 2014and Johnsson, Odenberger & Göransson, 2014and Gerbelová et al, 2013. Whilst novel technologies, such as molten carbonate fuel cells and calcium looping processes (Cormos & Simon, 2013), have been proposed for decarbonising CCGT power plants (Campanari et al, 2014), the vast majority of current academic literature focuses on the utilisation of post-combustion amine scrubbing as the technology of choice for this purpose (Spence, Horan &Tucker, 2014 andCeccarelli et al, 2014). In this context, an aqueous 30 wt% solution of monoethanolamine (MEA) is still considered the benchmark solvent for the majority of academic studies (Boot-Handford et al, 2014).…”