Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 07:22 28 December 2014 Ferro&cmcs, IWY. VbI. 23% pp. 19-31 Reprints .nailshlr directly frwn thc puhlibhcr Phntwopying prmittcd hy liccnw only 63 IYW OPA (Ovrrrrnr t'uhlkhcrs A\wcintion) N.V.
I'uhlishcd hy Iicenw under the Gordon and Breach Sciencc Puhlirhen irnpnnt I'rintcd in ,MaldyaiaThe behaviour of ammonium ions in the mixed crystals of alkaline metal-ammonium halides until present time are not fully understood. There are the observations at low temperature of the low energy resonance modes in the disordered a-phase of the Kl.x(NH4)xl mixed crystals which arc observcd also in orientational glass state of this phase. However, low energy resonance modes are not observed in the low temperature ordered phases of these mixed crystals. The identitication of the origin of the resonance modes in the Ko~ss(NH4)~,4sl mixed crystal was carried out with the help of the inelastic incoherent neutron scattering from protonatcd and deuterated samples. It was shown that these modes can be treated as translational. The study also was carried out of the influence of the transfer from the static orientationally disordered glass state into the dynamic orientationally disordercd state in the a-phase of protonated &,ss(NH4)o,4sl mixed crystal with the temperature increase on the evolution of the inelastic incoherent neutron scattering intensity.