By using canonical Monte Carlo simulation, the liquid-vapor phase diagram, surface tension, interface width, and pressure for the Mie(n,m) model fluids are calculated for six pairs of parameters m and n. It is shown that after certain re-scaling of fluid density the corresponding states rule can be applied for the calculations of the thermodynamic properties of the Mie model fluids, and for some real substances.
PACS numbers:1 Among the intermolecular effective interaction potentials, the Lennard-Jones one is by far the most widely used for approximating the physics of simple nonpolar molecules in all phases of matter [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. The attractiveness of the LJ model is mainly due to its more convenient mathematical form than to its accuracy in representing the properties of real fluids. Some modifications of the LJ potential, like exp-6 [11,12] or the family of Mie(n,m) potentials [13,14,15], have shown to be useful for the description of thermodynamic and dynamic properties of some real substances. The Mie(n,m) pair potential, which is just a general form of the LJ model, is defined as,where r is the interparticle distance reduced by the particle diameter, which is chosen to be the unit length, σ = 1; ǫ is the well depth. The temperature of the system is defined asRecently, both theory and molecular simulations have been used to compute the properties of the Mie(n,m) model fluids [9,10,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]. The Mie fluid potential is often said to be short-ranged, however, for any finite system size, the potential is not rigorously zero at a distance of the half box length where the potential is typically truncated. Some approaches were proposed for dealing with the long-range tail of the potential [3,10]. Perhaps, due to the commonly used procedure of potential cut-off during molecular It is well accepted that CS rule permits the prediction of unknown properties of many fluids from the known properties of a few [1,23,24,25,26]. Its application to the model potential fluids allows to avoid the usually timeconsuming molecular simulations, and also 2 makes possible the utilization of some important developments in statistical mechanics which would otherwise be prohibited by computational difficulties. Firstly the CS rule was derived by van der Waals based on his well-known equation of state,where the variables were reduced by their critical values, ρ R = ρ/ρ c ; (reduced number density or inverse molar volume), T R = T /T c (reduced temperature), and P R = P/P c (reduced pressure). Later, the CS principle was extended by introducing additional parameters to the study of various types of molecular fluids [1]. Thus, in general, macroscopic CS law states that all substances obey the same equation of state in terms of the reduced variables, or, in other words, the state of a system may be described by any two of the three variables:pressure, density, and temperature. In this work we study the systems with two particular cases of the potential (1). Namely, the one-parameter Mie(2m,m) ...