A three-dimensional Ising model with the plaquette-type (next-nearest-neighbor and four-spin) interactions is investigated numerically. This extended Ising model, the so-called gonihedric model, was introduced by Savvidy and Wegner as a discretized version of the interacting (closed) surfaces without surface tension. The gonihedric model is notorious for its slow relaxation to the thermal equilibrium (glassy behavior), which deteriorates the efficiency of the Monte Carlo sampling. We employ the transfer-matrix (TM) method, implementing Novotny's idea, which enables us to treat an arbitrary number of spins N for one TM slice even in three dimensions. This arbitrariness admits systematic finite-size-scaling analyses. Accepting the extended parameter space by Cirillo et al., we analyzed the (multi-) criticality of the gonihedric model for N ഛ 13. Thereby, we found that, as first noted by Cirillo et al. analytically (cluster-variation method), the data are well described by the multicritical (crossover) scaling theory. That is, the previously reported nonstandard criticality for the gonihedric model is reconciled with a crossover exponent and the ordinary three-dimensional-Ising universality class. We estimate the crossover exponent and the correlation-length critical exponent at the multicritical point as = 0.6͑2͒ and = 0.45͑15͒, respectively.