Our previous results [J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (2002) 13777] dealing with the analytical solution of the two-dimensional (2-D) Anderson localization problem due to disorder is generalized for anisotropic systems (two different hopping matrix elements in transverse directions). We discuss the mathematical nature of the metalinsulator phase transition which occurs in the 2-D case, in contrast to the 1-D case, where such a phase transition does not occur. In anisotropic systems two localization lengths arise instead of one length only.Anderson localization [1] remains one of the main problems in the physics of disordered systems (see e.g. the review articles [2,3,4]). In the series of our previous papers [5,6,7] we presented an exact analytic solution to this problem. By the exact solution we mean the calculation of the phase diagram for the metal-insulator system. We have been able to solve the two dimensional (2-D) problem [5]. We have shown then that the phase of delocalized states exists for a non-interacting electron system. The main aim of the paper [6] was Email address: kuzovkov@latnet.lv (V.N. Kuzovkov).