Imaging the quantum motion of electrons not only in real-time, but also in real-space is essential to understand for example bond breaking and formation in molecules, and charge migration in peptides and biological systems. Time-resolved imaging interrogates the unfolding electronic motion in such systems. We find that scattering patterns, obtained by X-ray time-resolved imaging from an electronic wavepacket, encode spatial and temporal correlations that deviate substantially from the common notion of the instantaneous electronic density as the key quantity being probed. Surprisingly, the patterns provide an unusually visual manifestation of the quantum nature of light. This quantum nature becomes central only for non-stationary electronic states and has profound consequences for time-resolved imaging.X-ray imaging | attosecond science | quantum electrodynamics T he scattering of light from matter is a fundamental phenomenon that is widely applied to gain insight about the structure of materials, biomolecules and nanostructures. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of atomic distances in liquids and solids, which makes X-rays a very convenient probe for obtaining realspace, atomic-scale structural information of complex materials, ranging from molecules (1) to proteins (2) and viruses (3). The power of X-ray scattering relies as well on the fact that the X-rays interact very weakly with the electrons in matter. In a given macroscopic sample, generally no more than one scattering event per X-ray photon takes place, the probability for multiple scattering being extremely small. The key quantity in X-ray scattering is the differential scattering probability (DSP), which is related to the Fourier transform of the electronic density ρðxÞ as follows (4, 5)where dP e ∕dΩ is the differential scattering probability from a free electron and Q is proportional to the momentum transfer of the scattered light. Procedures exist, for both crystalline (6) and non-crystalline samples (7), to reconstruct ρðxÞ from the scattering pattern. Equation 1 can be obtained from a purely classical description of electromagnetic radiation scattered by a stationary electron density (5), yielding a result identical to that obtained from a quantum electrodynamics (QED) description of light. Eq. 1 gives us access to a static view of the electronic density. On the other hand, much progress has been made in recent years towards understanding electronic motion with time-domain table-top experiments (8-13), owing to the availability of laser pulses on the sub-fs time scale (14,15). An ultimate goal of imaging applications encompasses unraveling the motion of electrons and atoms with spatial and temporal resolutions of order 1 Å and 1 fs, respectively (16). Recent breakthroughs make it possible to generate hard X-ray pulses of a few fs (17, 18), and pulses of length 100 as can in principle be realized (19,20). Hence, a fundamental question that needs to be addressed is: How does an ultrashort light pulse interact and scatter from a non-stationary...