We have previously shown that Sox18 is expressed in developing vascular endothelium and hair follicles during mouse embryogenesis and that point mutations in Sox18 are the underlying cause of cardiovascular and hair follicle defects in ragged (Ra) mice. Here we describe the analysis of Sox18 ؊/؊ mice produced by gene targeting. Despite the profound defects seen in Ra mice, Sox18 ؊/؊ mice have no obvious cardiovascular defects and only a mild coat defect with a reduced proportion of zigzag hairs. A reduction in the amount of pheomelanin pigmentation in hair shafts was also observed; later-forming hair follicles showed a reduced subapical pheomelanin band, giving Sox18 ؊/؊ mice a slightly darker appearance than Sox18 ؉/؉ and Sox18siblings. Sox18 ؊/؊ mice are viable and fertile and show no difference in the ability to thrive relative to littermates. Because of the mild effect of the mutation on the phenotype of Sox18 ؊/؊ mice, we conclude that the semidominant nature of the Ra mutations is due to a trans-dominant negative effect mediated by the mutant SOX18 proteins rather than haploinsufficiency as has been observed for other SOX genes. Due to the similarity of SOX18 to other subgroup F SOX proteins, SOX7 and ؊17, and the overlap in expression of these genes, functional redundancy amongst these SOX proteins could also account for the mild phenotype of Sox18Members of the SOX (Sry-type HMG box) gene family encode transcription factors that have a wide range of roles in development (reviewed by Wegner [39]). SOX proteins bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner, and a heptameric SOX consensus binding motif, 5Ј-(A/T)(A/T)CAA(A/T)G-3Ј, has been identified (12). Most tissues and cell types express at least one SOX gene at one stage or another of their development (39). Moreover, many cell types or tissues express more than one SOX gene at certain times (6,20,22,36,37).Gene targeting experiments with the mouse have assigned vital roles in development to numerous SOX genes: Sox1 in lens formation (28), Sox4 in cardiac tract outflow formation and B-lymphocyte development (32), and Sox9 in chondrogenesis (3). This has been reinforced by mutations in human SOX genes: SRY mutations in sex reversal and gonadal dysgenesis (2,11,13,15), SOX9 mutations in the bone dysmorphogenesis and sex reversal syndrome campomelic dysplasia (9, 38), and SOX10 mutations in various neurocristopathies such as Waardenberg-Shah syndrome 4 (30) and the Yemenite deaf-blind hypopigmentation syndrome (4). Further, such mutations have revealed an importance of dosage for some SOX genes, with deletion or mutation of one allele of SOX9 or SOX10 resulting in a disease phenotype (9,30,38).We have previously shown that point mutations in Sox18 are the underlying cause of profound cardiovascular and hair follicle defects in ragged (Ra) mice (29). Ra heterozygotes have thin, ragged coats comprised of guard hairs but lacking the later-forming auchenes and zigzags (5). Ra homozygotes, however, almost completely lack vibrissae and coat hairs, display generalized e...