AbstractŽežlina I., Rot M., Kač M., Trdan S. (2016): Causal agents of stone fruit diseases in Slovenia and the potential for diminishing their economic impact -a review. Plant. Protect Sci., 52: 149-157.In the last twenty years, stone fruit production in Slovenia has considerably decreased. Acreage with peaches and nectarines has been significantly reduced. Orchard renewal has decreased for various reasons; among them, the frequent occurrence of various diseases is the most significant. These diseases make the economic feasibility of stone fruit production difficult if not impossible. This review addresses the most important stone fruit diseases in Slovenia: European stone fruit yellows, sharka, bacterial leaf spot, bacterioses caused by Pseudomonas spp., perennial canker, and Fusicoccum canker. Additionally, this review focuses on the possibilities of reducing the damage caused by these diseases.