Involving the community in the development process is vital. The overall purpose of this project is to construct School Plus Home Cacao Processing Learning Sites. The researchers used a community-based participatory action research design. The project has 15 participants from Nabannagan West, Lasam, Cagayan. As a result, the School Plus Home (S+H) Cacao Learning Sites were effectively introduced as a demonstration and processing area of livelihood, health, literacy, and climate resiliency in Nabannagan National High School. Cacao is regarded as a prospective economic activity by the majority of Nabannagan West locals. The majority of respondents stated that cocoa production provides them with an additional source of income. Respondents highlighted high production costs and labor scarcity as the two most significant difficulties to cocoa production. This project, which has been established by the CSU-Lasam campus, will serve as a starting point for advancement not only for the Campus, but for everyone. To summarize, cacao production should be valued since, as long as everyone helps each other, it may be beneficial for us to have enough revenue and, of course, to save our environment.