27In open environments such as water, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 responds to 28 inorganic phosphate (Pi) starvation by inducing the Pho regulon controlled by PhoB. The 29 phosphate-specific transport (Pst) system is the high-affinity Pi transporter. In the Δpst mutant, 30PhoB is constitutively activated and regulates the expression of genes from the Pho regulon. In 31 E. coli O157:H7, the Δpst mutant, biofilm, and autoagglutination were increased. In the double-32 deletion mutant Δpst ΔphoB, biofilm and autoagglutination were similar to the wild-type strain, 33suggesting that PhoB is involved. We investigated the relationship between PhoB activation 34 and enhanced biofilm formation by screening a transposon mutant library derived from Δpst 35 mutant for decreased autoagglutination and biofilms mutants. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) genes 36 involved in the synthesis of the LPS core were identified. Transcriptomic studies indicate the 37 influence of Pi-starvation and pst mutation on LPS biosynthetic gene expression. LPS analysis 38 indicated that the O-antigen was deficient in the Δpst mutant. Interestingly, waaH, encoding a 39 glycosyltransferase associated with LPS modifications in E. coli K-12, was highly expressed in 40 the Δpst mutant of E. coli O157:H7. Deletion of waaH from the Δpst mutant and from the wild-41 type strain grown in Pi-starvation conditions decreased the biofilm formation but without 42 affecting LPS. Our findings suggest that LPS core is involved in the autoagglutination and 43 biofilm phenotypes of the Δpst mutant and that WaaH plays a role in biofilm in response to starvation. This study highlights the importance of Pi-starvation in biofilm formation of E. coli 45 O157:H7, which may affect its transmission and persistence. 46 47 IMPORTANCE Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a human pathogen 48 responsible for bloody diarrhea and renal failures. In the environment, O157:H7 can survive for 49 prolonged periods of time under nutrient-deprived conditions. Biofilms are thought to 50 participate in this environmental lifestyle. Previous reports have shown that the availability of 51 4 extracellular inorganic phosphate (Pi) affected bacterial biofilm formation; however, nothing 52 was known about O157:H7 biofilm formation. Our results show that O157:H7 membrane 53 undergoes modifications upon PhoB activation leading to increased biofilm formation. A 54 mutation in the Pst system results in reduced amount of the smooth type LPS and that this could 55 influence the biofilm composition. This demonstrates how the E. coli O157:H7 adapts to Pi 56 starvation increasing its ability to occupy different ecological niches. 57 58 Keyword: EHEC, biofilm, phosphate, LPS, Pho regulon 59 library for decreased ability to agglutinate and to form a biofilm, genes in LPS biosynthetic 102 pathways were over-represented. Further analysis revealed that LPS of Δpst mutant is lacking 103 O-antigen repeats but that its core oligosaccharide was necessary for biofilm formation and 104 agglutination....