The centrality dependence of the midrapidity charged-particle multiplicity density (|η| < 1) is presented for Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at RHIC over a broad range of collision energies. The multiplicity measured in the Cu + Cu system is found to be similar to that measured in the Au + Au system, for an equivalent N part , with the observed factorization in energy and centrality still persistent in the smaller Cu + Cu system. The extent of the similarities observed for bulk particle production is tested by a comparative analysis of the inclusive transverse momentum distributions for Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions near midrapidity. It is found that, within the uncertainties of the data, the ratio of yields between the various energies for both Au + Au and Cu + Cu systems are similar and constant with centrality, both in the bulk yields and as a function of p T , up to at least 4 GeV/c. The effects of multiple nucleon collisions that strongly increase with centrality and energy appear to only play a minor role in bulk and intermediate transverse momentum particle production. The experimental program at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory has opened a new era in the study of QCD matter. Measurements of the midrapidity density of charged particles have, from the start of the RHIC program, provided an estimate of the energy density created in these collisions as well as an important baseline against which to test core features of particle production in models. The wealth of data on bulk charged-particle production collected in the first five years of RHIC operations has revealed the presence of various features in the data that appear to be universal, including a factorization of the chargedparticle production into two components, one that depends on collision energy, or √ s NN , and the other on the centrality of the colliding heavy ions [1]. The energy dependence of the midrapidity charged-particle density appears to be consistent with a logarithmic rise with √ s NN [2]. This logarithmic dependence resembles that in elementary p + p and e + + e − collisions [3] and was not a priori expected for relativistic heavy ion collisions. In particular, initial expectations of a large increase in particle production with collision energy for central heavy ion collisions from multiple binary nucleon scatterings and the increased formation of mini-jets were not realized. Further studies revealed a relatively weak dependence of the produced midrapidity charged-particle multiplicity density per participant pair on the collision centrality. From a two-component picture [4], the part of the multiplicity that scales with the number of binary collisions (N coll ) contributes at the level of only ≈13%, across all energies studied so far at RHIC [5,6].This Rapid Communication reports results from RHIC for the midrapidity charged-particle density in Cu + Cu collisions at √ s NN = 22.4, 62.4, and 200 GeV as a function of centrality. The data correspond to the top 50% of the total inelastic c...