Isoenzymes of phosphoglycerate kinase in Trypanosoma brucei are differentially expressed in its two main life stages. This study addresses how the organism manages to make sufficient amounts of the isoenzyme with the correct localization, which processes (transcription, splicing, and RNA degradation) control the levels of mRNAs, and how the organism regulates the switch in isoform expression. For this, we combined new quantitative measurements of phosphoglycerate kinase mRNA abundance, RNA precursor stability, trans splicing, and ribosome loading with published data and made a kinetic computer model. For the analysis of regulation we extended regulation analysis. Although phosphoglycerate kinase mRNAs are present at surprisingly low concentrations (e.g. 12 molecules per cell), its protein is highly abundant. Substantial control of mRNA and protein levels was exerted by both mRNA synthesis and degradation, whereas splicing and precursor degradation had little control on mRNA and protein concentrations. Yet regulation of mRNA levels does not occur by transcription, but by adjusting mRNA degradation. The contribution of splicing to regulation is negligible, as for all cases where splicing is faster than RNA precursor degradation.The flux through a metabolic pathway depends on the kinetic characteristics and concentrations of the constituent enzymes, on the levels of co-enzymes, and on their compartmentation. The concentrations of the enzymes in turn depend on the rates of transcription, processing, nuclear export, translation, degradation of the mRNA, and protein processing and degradation. Because each of these levels can in principle be regulated, the challenge is how to analyze the behavior of such a complex system in terms of the underlying processes.Metabolic control analysis (MCA) 4 and extensions that include gene expression is a powerful approach for the analysis of complex biochemical networks (1-4). In MCA, the control exerted by an enzyme on a concentration of any substance X (5) is quantified by its concentration control coefficient, which is defined as the percentage increase of the steady-state concentration of X that results from a 1% activation of the enzyme of interest. The sum of the concentration control coefficients of all the enzymes in the network is 0. This reflects that (i) activation of some enzymes increases the concentration of X, whereas activation of other enzymes should reduce the concentration of X (these enzymes have negative concentration control coefficients), and (ii) the positive controls together are equal to the negative controls. The principles of MCA do not only apply to metabolic pathways; they can also be used and extended to dissect the control distribution in regulatory pathways beyond steady state (for example see Refs.6 and 7) or gene expression cascades (for example see e.g. Ref. 8). Earlier MCA, as also applied to trypanosomes, has looked more at the control of fluxes, showing that usually flux control coefficients are smaller than 1, because several enzymes partially...