Theg old-catalyzed mono-hydroarylation and two-fold hydroarylation of alkynes with electron-rich heteroarenes was analyzed by a 1 HNMR kinetic study. Theo btainedr ate constants for the decreasing alkyne concentration provide information on the reactivity of this addition reaction. Thee xaminations show the orthogonal reactivity of gold and ap roton for the twor eactions teps.T he first hydroarylation is exclusively promoted by gold(I), whereast he second step is premised on ap roton which will be reversibly derivedf rom the formation of s,p-acetylide complexes from the terminal alkynes or by interaction with solvents.B ased on kinetic data, it was possible to synthesizeal arger ange of mono-adducts in moderate to good yields,f urthermore the synthesiso fh etero-di-adducts,b earing two different substituents,w as explored.