The G values of the major products of the r-radiolysis of liquid ethanol a t a dose of 2 X 1020 eV/g are: hydrogen, 4.2; acetaldehyde, 1.9; 2,s-butanediol, 2.2; G(-CzHsOH) = 7.5. At progressively lower doses G(Hz),increases to a ~naximum of 5.0. The yield of water, G(Hz0) = 0.5, is equal to the sum of the y~elds of the Ce fragments found in the other products.The approximate yields of three kinetically distinguishable sources of hydrogen were found to be G(e& free ion) = 0.9, G(H) = 2.7 and G(unscavengeab1e Hz) = 1.5. The half,life of solvated electrons with respect to reactions such as e,,, + CeH50-+ H is 3 ps.Both l,3-pentadiene and benzene inhibit hydrogen and glycol formation but neither affect the high dose yield of acetaldehyde. Pentadiene reacts with H atoms and other radicals and possibly also with eklV. Benzene appears to inhibit hydrogen and glycol formation mainly by an unidentified activation transfer process.