The detailed dynamics of the cycle of myosin-V are explored by simulation approaches, examining the nature of the energy-driven motion. Our study started with Langevin dynamics (LD) simulations on a very coarse landscape with a single rate-limiting barrier and reproduced the stall force and the hand-over-hand dynamics. We then considered a more realistic landscape and used timedependent Monte Carlo (MC) simulations that allowed trajectories long enough to reproduce the force/velocity characteristic sigmoidal correlation, while also reproducing the hand-over-hand motion. Overall, our study indicated that the notion of a downhill lever-up to lever-down process (popularly known as the powerstroke mechanism) is the result of the energetics of the complete myosin-V cycle and is not the source of directional motion or force generation on its own. The present work further emphasizes the need to use well-defined energy landscapes in studying molecular motors in general and myosin in particular.M yosin constitutes a superfamily of molecular motors comprising both the nonprocessive single-headed motors that are efficient in generating force on the actin filaments (e.g., myosin-II) and highly processive double-headed motors that can transport cellular load using tracks laid out by the cytoskeletal actin filaments (e.g., myosin-V, myosin-VI) (1, 2). The generation of force and unidirectional motion in each of the myosin molecules predominantly comprises tightly coupled events involving (i) binding and hydrolysis of ATP, followed by release of the products ADP and inorganic phosphate (P i ), occurring at the nucleotide-binding domain; (ii) binding and release of actin through the actin-binding domain; and (iii) a large conformational change of the lever arm that generates mechanical motion. Although the basic mechanochemical cycle is conserved in all members of the myosin superfamily, the exact nature of the coupling between the above steps in myosins, which decides the force-generating and load-bearing characteristics of different members, is unknown (SI Background).Numerous experiments, including kinetics and thermodynamic studies (3), high-resolution structural studies (4), electron microscopy studies (5), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and singlemolecule experiments (2, 6, 7), have advanced our understanding of the action of the system. Although details about the dynamical nature of the myosin-V, along with a quantitative knowledge of the force-response, have been learned from single-molecule studies, the structural studies have provided us with an atomistic knowledge of the key conformational states involved during the cycle, namely, the lever-up (pre) and lever-down (post) states (Fig. S1). In addition, crucial information has been gained on the kinetics of the chemical and ligand-binding/release steps that make up the complete cycle. Based on this experimental information, several theoretical modeling studies (8-17) explored the mechanochemical cycle, mostly using phenomenological modeling approaches, accompanied by s...