We conducted a field study to investigate the role of
response in cyanobacteria and coexisting bacterioplankton during nutrient-deprived
periods at various stages of bloom in a freshwater lake (Utah Lake)
for the first time. Using metagenomics and metatranscriptomics analyses,
we examined the cyanobacterial ecology and expression of important
functional genes related to stringent response, N and P metabolism,
and regulation. Our findings mark a significant advancement in understanding
the mechanisms by which toxic cyanobacteria survive and proliferate
during nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limitations. We successfully
identified and analyzed the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of
the dominant bloom-forming cyanobacteria, namely, Dolichospermum
circinale, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae UKL13-PB, Planktothrix agardhii,
and Microcystis aeruginosa. By mapping
RNA-seq data to the coding sequences of the MAGs, we observed that
these four prevalent cyanobacteria species activated multiple functions
to adapt to the depletion of inorganic nutrients. During and after
the blooms, the four dominant cyanobacteria species expressed high
levels of transcripts related to toxin production, such as microcystins
(mcy), anatoxins (ana), and cylindrospermopsins
(cyr). Additionally, genes associated with polyphosphate
(poly-P) storage and the stringent response alarmone (p)ppGpp synthesis/hydrolysis,
including ppk, relA, and spoT, were highly activated in both cyanobacteria and bacterioplankton.
Under N deficiency, the main N pathways shifted from denitrification
and dissimilatory nitrate reduction in bacterioplankton toward N2-fixing and assimilatory nitrate reduction in certain cyanobacteria
with a corresponding shift in the community composition. P deprivation
triggered a stringent response mediated by spoT-dependent
(p)ppGpp accumulation and activation of the Pho regulon in both cyanobacteria
and bacterioplankton, facilitating inorganic and organic P uptake.
The dominant cyanobacterial MAGs exhibited the presence of multiple
alkaline phosphatase (APase) transcripts (e.g., phoA in Dolichospermum, phoX in Planktothrix, and Microcystis), suggesting their ability to synthesize
and release APase enzymes to convert ambient organic P into bioavailable
forms. Conversely, transcripts associated with bacterioplankton-dominated
pathways like denitrification were low and did not align with the
occurrence of intense cyanoHABs. The strong correlations observed
among N, P, stringent response metabolisms and the succession of blooms
caused by dominant cyanobacterial species provide evidence that the
stringent response, induced by nutrient limitation, may activate unique
N and P functions in toxin-producing cyanobacteria, thereby sustaining