in combinaNon with androgen deprivaNon therapy (ADT) is a standard treatment opNon for men with localized and locally advanced prostate cancer. However, emerging clinical evidence suggests that radiotherapy could be incorporated into mulNmodality therapy regimens beyond ADT, in combinaNons that include chemotherapy, radiosensiNzing agents, immunotherapy, and surgery for localized and locally advanced prostate cancer, as well as in paNents with oligometastaNc disease where the low metastaNc burden in parNcular may be treatable with these combinaNons. This mulNmodal approach is increasingly recognized to offer considerable clinical benefit, such as increased anN-tumour effects and survival benefits. Thus, radiotherapy is becoming a key component of mulNmodal therapy for many stages of prostate cancer, parNcularly for paNents with oligometastaNc disease. Key points-Radiotherapy combined with androgen deprivaNon therapy (ADT) is a common treatment opNon for men with prostate cancer.