Frustulia tunariensis sp. nov. is originated from a high-altitude peatland in the Tunari Cordillera, a branch of the Andean range in Bolivia. The new taxon is distinguished by the thick longitudinal ribs, the globose polar nodule with faint helictoglossa that does not produce an apical extension, and by the high areola and stria density, not found in any of the morphologically closely related taxa. Features of the folded valvocopula, such as the presence of a siliceous membrane as pars interior, and poroids present in the tube-like portion opening as slits to the valve interior and as a single row of poroids to the exterior, are also unique characters in the new taxon. Based on a literature review, a comparison of the newly proposed species with morphologically similar taxa was made. Also, published information shows the potential of girdle bands to distinguish groups of species and species themselves within Frustulia. Likewise, remarks on the ecological and distribution aspects of Frustulia in the Bolivian Altiplano are included, focusing on taxonomic quality, geographic coverage and sampling, and potential to represent the genus in the high Bolivian Andean plateau.