Innovative hybrid-segmented pipeline systems are being used more frequently in practice to improve the performance of water distribution pipelines subjected to permanent ground deformation (PGD), such as seismic-induced landslides, soil lateral spreading, and fault rupture. These systems employ joints equipped with anti-pull-out restraints, providing the ability to displace axially, before locking up and behaving as a continuous pipeline. To assess the seismic response of hazard-resistant pipeline systems equipped with enlarged joint restraints to longitudinal PGD, this study develops numerical and semi-analytical models, considering the nonlinear properties of the system, calibrated from large-scale test data. The deformation capacities of two hybrid-segmented pipelines are investigated: (1) hazard-resilient ductile iron (DI) pipe, and (2) oriented polyvinylchloride (PVCO) pipe with joint restraints capable of axial deformation. The numerical analysis demonstrates that, for the conditions investigated, the maximum elongation capacity of the analyzed DI pipe system is greater than that of the PVCO pipeline. The implemented semi-analytical approach revealed that the pipeline performance strongly improves by increasing the allowable joint displacement. Comparison of the numerical results with analytical solutions reported in recent research publications showed excellent agreement between the two approaches, highlighting the importance of assigning appropriate axial friction parameters for these systems.