molecules (CAMs), which mediate cell-to-cell and cell-to-maPrevious studies showed that blood large granular trix interactions. 8 In humans, several CAMs, such as CD11a/ lymphocytes (LGL), which possess natural killer (NK) CD18 (leukocyte function associated molecule-1 [LFA-1]), activity, develop within rat liver sinusoids into high-CD2 (LFA-2), CD54 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1), density (HD) and subsequently into low-density (LD) pit CD56 (neural cell adhesion molecule), CD58 (LFA-3), have cells which show an increasing level and spectrum of been reported to occur on the surface of NK cells. 9 CD2 has tumor cytotoxicity. In this study, we investigated the been reported to be involved in the adhesion of NK cells. 9 role of adhesion molecules, such as CD2, CD11a, CD18, CD11a/CD18 has been identified as the main adhesion strucand CD54 in the recruitment of pit cells to the liver.ture involved in NK to endothelial cell interaction. 10,11 By Immunostaining for electron microscopy, and two color flow cytometry, the percentages of cells positively reacting flow cytometry showed that most pit cells expressed for CD11a, CD18, CD2, and CD54 in human liver-associated CD2, CD11a, CD18, and CD54. After intravenous injeclymphocytes are described to be 97%, 95%, 76%, and 55%, tions into rats with anti-CD2, anti-CD11a, and anti-CD18respectively. 12 However, this cell population included T and antibodies, the number of pit cells per square millimeter B lymphocytes, besides hepatic NK cells. Little is known in frozen sections of liver tissue decreased. Treatment about the expression of CAMs on pit cells and the role of of rats with zymosan increased the number of pit cells these molecules in the recruitment of these cells to the liver.
fivefold, whereas subsequent treatment with anti-adhe-The aim of this study was to determine the expression of sion-molecule antibodies resulted in approximately 60%CAMs on pit cells and to explore which CAMs are required lower number of pit cells. Anti-CD54, supposed to block for the recruitment of pit cells in the liver.
CD54 expression on sinusoidal endothelial cells, also decreased the number of pit cells. The number of blood MATERIALS AND METHODSLGL was, however, not affected by these antibodies. These results indicate that blocking of CD2, CD11a, Animals. Male specific pathogen-free Wistar rats (Proefdierencen-CD18, and CD54 antigens on blood LGL and/or liver en-trum, Leuven, Belgium) weighing 260-280g were used at an age bedothelium decreased the number of pit cells in the liver. tween 8 to 12 weeks. The rats had free access to tap water and food. The rats were killed by rapid exsanguination while under ether Previous studies have shown that pit cells originate from cytes and granulocytes were removed by Ficoll-Paque (Pharmacia blood LGL that first differentiate into liver high-density (HD) AB, Uppsala, Sweden) gradient centrifugation (450g for 20 minutes). and subsequently into low-density (LD) pit cells (hepatic NK This procedure was followed by nylon-wool (Wako Chemicals, Neuss, G...