We report an analysis of the cranial venous sinuses circulation, emphasizing morphological and angiographic characteristics. Methods: Data of 100 cerebral angiographies were retrospectively analyzed (p = 0.05). Results: Mean age was 56.3 years, 62% female and 38% male. Measurements and dominance are shown in the Tables. There was no association between age or gender and dominance. Right parasagittal division of the superior sagittal sinus was associated with right dominance of the transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus and internal jugular vein; and left parasagittal division of the superior sagittal sinus was associated with left dominance of the transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus and internal jugular vein. Conclusion: A dominance pattern of cranial venous sinuses was found. Age and gender did not influence this pattern. Angiographic findings, such as division of the superior sagittal sinus, were associated with a pattern of cranial venous dominance. We hope this article can add information and assist in preoperative venous analysis for neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists.Keywords: cranial sinuses; cerebral angiography; anatomy.
RESUMORelatamos uma análise da circulação dos seios venoso cranianos, enfatizando características morfológicas e angiográficas. Métodos: Dados de 100 angiografias cerebrais foram retrospectivamente analisados (p = 0,05). Resultados: Média de idade 56,3 anos, 62% feminino e 38% masculino. Medições e dominância expostos em tabelas. Sem associação entre idade ou sexo e dominância. Divisão parassagittal direita do Seio Sagital Superior (SSS) foi associada com dominância direita do Seio Transverso (ST), Seio Sigmóide (SS) e Veia Jugular Interna (VJI), e divisão parassagittal esquerda do SSS foi associada com dominância esquerda do ST, SS e VJI. Conclusão: Um padrão de dominância dos seios venosos do crânio foi encontrado. Idade e sexo não influenciaram esse padrão. Achados angiográficos, como divisão do SSS, foram associados com o padrão de dominância venoso cerebral. Esperamos que este artigo acrescente informações e auxilie na análise venosa pré-operatória para neurocirurgiões e neuroradiologistas.Palavras-chave: seios cranianos; angiografia cerebral; anatomia.The cranial venous sinuses are channels lined by endothelial layers located between the periosteal (outer) and meningeal (internal) dura mater 1 . They collect blood from the superficial and deep cerebral veins, meninges and calvarium, and form the main drainage route of the cranial cavity 2 . The understanding of the cranial venous sinus anatomy is fundamental in neurosurgery and radiology, especially in surgical planning and treatment of neurological diseases, and to avoid complications 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 . The cerebral venous drainage dominance analysis should be considered before operations on patients for a large variety of neurosurgical diseases, especially if possible coagulation of venous structures is needed 5 . Analysis of cranial venous dominance is of great importance in many neurosurgeries, as well in neck surgeries 5 . Venous ...