El papel de los mastocitos en la evaluación de la respuesta inflamatoria posoperatoria, al implantar mallas protésicas para la reparación de defectos de la pared abdominal en biomodelos rata Wistar Alejandro Arboleda C.1 , Manuel Hernando Franco A. 1 y Liliana Valladares T.
1The role of mast cells in the assessment of postoperative inflammatory response to implanting prosthetic mesh for the repair of abdominal wall defects in Wistar ratsObjective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of mast cells in the postoperative inflammatory response after implantation of prosthetic mesh to repair abdominal wall defects in Wistar rat. Materials and Methods: An abdominal wall defect (30 x 20 mm) was created in the anterior abdominal wall of 25 adult male Wistar rats. The anatomical defect was then repaired with one of the two type's meshes. Fibroin and monocryl ultrapo prolene meshes. Fibroin meshes were manufactured by weaving its threads, the polypropylene mesh was bought to Johnson & Johnson-Ethicon. After 28 days of implantation Wistar rats were sacrificed and the mesh with abdominal tissue was extracted. Subsequently the samples were treated with histochemical techniques for histological analysis. Results: The study reported adherence to omentum in both types of meshes used, however, the polypropylene mesh showed widely adhesions to colon, slight to intestine and liver, also in a very lower amount, adhesions to omentum. It was found that mast cells were presented in all the studied regions for the polypropylene mesh (dermis, perimysium, and visceral serosa). Discussion: Studies indicate that mast cells and their products such as histamine, serotonin, and others play a key role in controlling local inflammation, wound healing, adhesions, and reactions to foreign bodies in vivo. Conclusion: We can conclude that this study is a good step to show the possible role of mast cells in the abdominal wall repair process. Key words: abdominal wall; hernia; repair tissue; mast cells; animal model.
ResumenObjetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el papel de los mastocitos en la respuesta inflamatoria posoperatoria tras el implante de mallas protésicas para la reparación de defectos de la pared abdominal en biomodelos rata Wistar. Materiales y Métodos: Se fabricó una malla de fibroína entretejiendo sus hilos. Se utilizaron 25 ratas Wistar macho adultas, a las cuales se les creó un defecto quirúrgico de 30 × 20 mm en la pared abdominal anterior. Este defecto anatómico fue posteriormente reparado con uno de los dos tipos de mallas previamente esterilizadas, las cuales fueron la malla de fibroína, y la malla comercial ultrapo monocryl prolene composite (Johnson & Johnson-Ethicon). A los 28 días después del procedimiento quirúrgico se sacrificaron los biomodelos y se extrajeron las muestras que posteriormente fueron tratadas con técnicas histoquímicas para su análisis histológico. Resultados: El estudio reportó adherencia a omento en los dos tipos de malla utilizadas, sin embargo, la malla comercial mostró adher...